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The Fast Track Writing Course

Holidays…or Horrible Days?

Happy Holidays, everyone! I hope you all had an amazing Christmas, if you celebrate it, and that you’re excited and revving up for 2017.

Our topic today is a fantastic course that my friend heads up. But first, I want to just do some holidays talk.

Personally, I feel excited about 2017. I am not the type of person to make New Year’s resolutions; I have in the past, but they always fail very soon after, so I’ve stopped doing that. Now, I make goals in my mind, and I create little, teensy-tiny steps to do in order to get there. The reason I call this different from making New Year’s resolutions is that I don’t write it down, and I don’t announce it to all. I know they say that to tell people helps to keep you accountable, but for me, it’s more a matter of personal commitment and determination.

When I keep it secret to myself what I want to achieve, and make it a series of small steps, the goals for my new year feel more precious, more fun, and more interesting. They don’t feel like huge scary blocks that I have to climb over, and there isn’t intense pressure to prove myself to anyone, because nobody knows but me.

What are your feelings on the new year?


My friend, Leah McClellan

I first met Leah earlier this year when she joined the writing “pod” that I am a part of, as part of the local Writer’s Alliance in my town. Our pod had previously only had 4 members, myself, Penny, Dan, and Ed. Ed is often gone on conferences and other neat events, so with only 3 members consistently attending, our group felt a little like it might disappear at any moment.

It might have, too, unless Leah and a couple others had joined in. Now, we’re even merging with another group to be a little bit bigger. But anyway…

Leah is a wonderful woman who knows how to give a critique. (More on that, in another post! I really want to write about what makes a good critique. You can’t just say anything). She shares with you what works in your piece, what doesn’t, and explains why. When it’s turn to receive a critique, she does so with a silent respect, real listening ears. I respect that. I’ve seen too many writers defend every comment – even to constructive criticism – and get absolutely nothing out of attending a critique group.

Not only that, but I really enjoy Leah’s writing. Her stories really delve into the human psyche, and her characters are the type that you immediately relate to, and feel for, even if you’ve only known them for a page.

With that, I’d like to tell you about Leah’s course.


The Fast Track Writing Course

The Fast Track writing course is Leah’s 6-week course where she helps any and all writers, newbies or professionals, to improve their writing. Her course is unique because:

  • The Fast Track is for any writer, of any age, genre, or level of experience
  • It’s a brief 6-week course
  • It offers not 1, not 2, but 11 e-books as part of the course
  • It’s aimed at helping you improve ALL of your writing, not just your fiction or your blog, etc.
  • The course is a Pay what YOU want.

Yep, you read that right. The course is pay-what-you-want! It’s top-notch, recommended by all sorts of writers, and she has the added perspective of a copy-editor, not just a fellow writer.

There is one hangup that might catch you, though, depending on what type of person you are:

Just like the results of a New Year’s resolution, the course’s ultimate success or failure is up to you.

As Leah mentions on her introductory page about the Fast Track course, her course is self-paced. Leah is available for advice and guidance, but she isn’t hovering or breathing down your neck. If you need someone to be constantly pushing you, then this course might not work for you. But if you think that you can tackle your writing the same way you tackle that diet, or that house decor course, or helping your son with math homework, then Leah’s course might be just right for you.

And if it’s any encouragement, I think I’m going to take the course, myself! I’m going to clear out time in my calendar and make the determination to do it, just like I will with my other goals for 2017. I’m a little scared, I’m definitely nervous, but I know that my writing needs help in 2017, and I can’t do it alone.


What do you think, maybe you’ll take the course? Please check out Leah’s page all about it, and write any thoughts in the comments. Questions, direct them to Leah, because she knows more than me. I’m just a fan!

Any thoughts on 2017, or making new year resolutions? Any writing courses that you would like to recommend? Then, please speak up in the comments!

Until next time,



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