
Being in the Present

Hello dear readers,

I have a new post planned, but lacked the energy to post it Wednesday, or today. Perhaps later in the day I can think of what to write. Since my recent dearth of shared resource links and reblogs, I think it’s time for a lengthier post where I share my thoughts in addition to links.

But I’m feeling tired today.

What do you do when you are tired and it’s hard to write? What do you do when you’re at a part of your story that you find boring? These are the questions I’ve been facing today.

What do you do when you’re tired and it’s hard to write?

What pops into my mind at this question is, no matter what, keep writing. I think back to my post on Haruki Murakami and how he writes every day, and as we’ve seen in multiple author interviews, published, professional authors all seem to write daily, no matter what.

So I think the answer is, keep writing, even if it’s just one paragraph on a tired day.

When you find your story boring

Right now I’m at a less-outlined portion of my YA historical novel, and it’s hard to know what to write next. I want to give more challenges to my main character, and make her more tough. But I’m not sure how to do that, or what scenes need to happen next. So I just feel stuck.

What pops into my head about what to do when I find my story boring, is:

  • Maybe I should jump to write a different part of the story?
  • Introspect on why it’s boring for me right now
  • Can I bring in a new character or challenge to spice things up?
  • Boring means something isn’t working in my story, what is it?
  • If I’m bored, readers will be bored. Shelve it and work on something else.

What are some ideas you have for these troubles? I would love to know.

Another thing that I think might be the solution, is…

Being in the Present

When I feel stuck with my story or tired, I might get down on myself and push myself, but there’s no power, I’ll just be running on empty. The reason I’m hard on myself is because I think of the past, and have to live up to it, or the future, and how I need to meet my vision, my goals.

But being in the present might help! Because all I can do is work with the energy levels and ideas that I currently have. If I focus on the present, I think new ideas and energy might appear. Just yesterday, I found a wonderful organic garden near my home, and walking around in it made me feel happy and soothed any worries I had. It’s places like that that will help me come up with fresh ideas and energy, I think.

Would love to hear your input!

Until next time,


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