
Reviewing Scrivener Software: Part I

Hello, everyone! I hope you are tolerating the heat reasonably well, and not melting like we are here in Florida. Recently I completed Camp NaNoWriMo and acquired a discount for Scrivener, a software that helps writers outline their books, organize their notes and thoughts, etc. Imagine all the perks of Word, and combine them with… Continue reading Reviewing Scrivener Software: Part I

Artist's Way Book Journey · Musings · My Writing

The Artist’s Way, Week 5: Don’t Let Go of What is Precious to You!

A Terrible Confession Dear readers, I betrayed you by not posting when I said I would. I made it sound like I would post every week, without fail, but I failed to uphold that promise and your trust. Please accept my sincere apologies. Since so much time has passed, I've had time to think about… Continue reading The Artist’s Way, Week 5: Don’t Let Go of What is Precious to You!

Artist's Way Book Journey · My Writing

The Artist’s Way, Week 4, Ch. 3: Realizations & Re-filling the Well

This week's Artist's Way was an exciting eye-opener. It felt like getting closer to seeing the top of the mountain as you climb it. For my artist's date, I went to a ceramics studio and painted a bowl, which I am super excited to pick up this week! It was so relaxing to just sit… Continue reading The Artist’s Way, Week 4, Ch. 3: Realizations & Re-filling the Well

How Writers Write · Musings

Outlining Your Book VS. “By the Seat of Your Pants”, AKA “Pantser-ing” It

Today I read a great guest blog post over on Writer Unboxed about outlining your novel before writing it, versus writing straight-off from your mind with no outline, "by the seat of your pants," as the saying goes. I like what the writer had to say there, and it got me I a pantser, or… Continue reading Outlining Your Book VS. “By the Seat of Your Pants”, AKA “Pantser-ing” It